Constitution and Rules
- The name of the Club shall be "The Perth Burns Club".
- The objects of the Club shall be:
- To promote social and friendly communication among the members by social gatherings or otherwise.
- To encourage the study of the life and works of Robert Burns.
- To foster an interest in Scottish literature, art and music by lectures, competitions or otherwise.
- To support the objects of the Robert Burns World Federation.
- The Club shall be composed of Honorary, Life and Ordinary members. The number of Ordinary members shall be fixed by the
Committee, and new members shall only be admitted as vacancies occur. The election of all members shall be vested in the
Committee, who shall have the power to elect as Honorary members, ladies or gentlemen who have distinguished themselves in
public life, or who have rendered notable service to the Club. In the event of there being more than one applicant for any
vacancy in the Ordinary membership, the election shall be by ballot.
- The office-bearers shall consist of a President, Immediate Past President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The
office-bearers and a maximum of seven elective members shall form the Committee of the Club, with five a quorum. The President's
term of office shall be determined by the Committee and, on him/her vacating this office, the position shall be assumed by the Vice
President. The President's term of office shall not exceed two years, and he/she shall not be eligible for re-election for two
years after holding that office. The Secretary, Treasurer and two elective members shall retire annually but shall be eligible
for re-election.
- The Committee shall manage the affairs of the Club. In the event of vacancies occuring in the Committee after the annual
election, the remaining members shall have the power to fill the vacancies.
- The annual subscription for Ordinary members shall be payable on 1st April for the year then commencing. The Ordinary
subscription for the next year commencing shall be fixed at the Annual General Meeting and shall be effective from 1st April of
the following year. The subscription for Life members shall be ten times the annual subscription for Ordinary members.
- The Committee shall have the power to delete from the roll the name of any member whose subscription shall remain unpaid for
three months, or for any good and sufficient cause.
- The Secretary shall keep a Minute Book in which shall be entered all proceedings of the Club. He/she shall conduct the
correspondence and convene all Club and Committee meetings.
- The Treasurer shall intromit with the funds of the Club and shall keep a record of his/her whole transactions. All monies
he/she may have in hand shall be lodged in bank in the name of the Club, per President and Treasurer. Deposit receipts shall
also be taken out in the name of the Club, to be drawn on the endorsement on any two of the President, Secretary and Treasurer.
The Treasurer shall produce the Bank Book to the Committee when required. An Auditor shall be appointed at the Annual General
Meeting to audit the Treasurer's accounts which shall be closed on 31st March each year.
- The Committee shall have the power to allocate surplus funds to activities outwith the annual syllabus of the Club, but
which support the Objects of the Club as stated in Item 2. These may take the form of awards, donations, trophies and the like.
No more than 5% of surplus funds, as defined by monies in reserve or investment accounts, shall be so allocated in any one
financial year.
- The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held on the last Tuesday in April for the consideration of reports, the
election of office-bearers and members of the Committee for the following session, and for transactions of general business.
Ten members shall form a quorum. The Secretary shall give at least ten days' notice of this meeting, along with a note of
the business.
- On the requisition of any five members of the Committee or ten members of the Club, the Secretary shall convene an
Extraordinary General Meeting of the Club and shall give to the members at least ten days' notice thereof, and of the objects
for which the meeting has been called. At all meetings, the Chairman shall have a casting as well as a deliberative vote.
- The Committee shall fix the times and places of their meetings and meet as often as may be found necessary. On a requisition
of any three members of Committee, the Secretary shall call a special meeting of the Committee. The Secretary shall give at
least three days' notice of all Committee meetings.
- These Rules may not be added to or altered, except at a quorate Annual General Meeting and then only by a majority of
two-thirds of those present. Every proposed alteration must be submitted in writing to the Secretary, and shall be specified in
the notice calling the meeting.
Last amended April 28, 2021.